Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Sunday, before Bob Thompson's grandchildren went home, we had the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Rondovles Homes. They are the missionary housing for the Ambassadors who come to work with Doc and Beth Blessman. It was a great ceremony but I really can't remember much because I was feeling miserable. I was video recording for Joe Thompson (grandson), and had to hand it off to Bud to finish. Hopefully, once Joe puts it up on You Tube I can enjoy it. Thanks to Des Moines First Assembly's funding the Rondovles were built. Doc chose Bob Thompson and his wife Leelah as the dedicators because they have done so much for the church and have impacted many lives. Leelah just passed away not too long ago but she knew that they were being built. It is called the Thompson Campus. There is three Rondovles which house Ambassadors and team members. They each have a mini kitchen and reclining area. There is another Rondovle with is like a meeting center or where the BIG meals are made for everyone. It has a nice sized kitchen and lounging area. Plus, a Leelah Library!!! In memorial of Leelah Thompson. If anyone has any books they would like to give to the Leelah Library, let me know. They have many shelves to fill!!! I have been sleeping in Lisa's Rondovle with Claire and Sammi. They are very nice. If we wanted our windows open we had to make sure they were closed before we left or else the monkeys will get in. I have seen quite a few but they are very skittish. Sunday, a squirrel was in the Blessman's house. The team played squirrel hockey to get it out. I wish I could of been there but I was resting trying to get well. So many adventures to come!! Love you all. I am going to play a game with Beth!! Bye!! Tonight Terry has his Pastor Conference tonight.

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